2nd BSATA - Brazilian School of Aerospace Technology and Astronomy

Data e Horário: 12/11 e 13/11 das 13h30 às 17h30
Local: Bloco W - 6.º Andar
IMT - Campus de São Caetano do Sul


2nd BSATA  Tuesday - Astronomy 2nd BSATA Wednesday - Aerospace Technology
Time Speech Time Speech
13h30 Opening ceremony + Roberto Menezes (IMT) - "The origin of the solar system and the mysteries of Venus"


Rodrigo França (IMT) - "NSEE-IMT in International Space Missions: Contributions to PLATO, VERITAS, and EnVision"

14h Ezequiel Echer (INPE) - To be defined


Friederike Wolf (DLR) - “What does it take to go to Venus?”

14h40 Victor Sacek (IAG-USP) - "Comparative Geodynamics of Earth and Venus"


Carlos Grohmann (IAG-USP) - "Topographic modelling with InSAR: from Earth to Venus"

15h Coffee break


Coffee break

15h30 Hermano Amaral (CAENI-USP) - "The Present Frontier in Science Diplomacy: A Critical Overview of the Artemis Accords"


Luis Eduardo Antunes Vieira (INPE) - "The Galileo Solar Space Telescope Mission: A Structuring Project Shaping the Future of Heliophysics Research in Brazil"

16h10 Douglas Galante (IAG-USP) - "New Frontiers in Analytical Astrobiology"


Pablo Gutierrez (Max Planck Institute) - "Exploring the solar system with spaceborne telescopes"

16h50 End 16h50 End


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