GCSP-Scholarship Research and GCSP-Program Research Papers 

Mediador: Prof. Dr. Wânderson de Oliveira Assis

Time Research Title Student Mentor Review Teacher Type of Presentation


Construction of a Method for Identity Recovery: Videography Documentation in Vila de Paranapiacaba

Pedro Henrique Lima de Carvalho

Dr. Agda Regina Carvalho

Dr. Claudia Alquezar Facca

GCSP-IMT Research Scholarship


Monitoring Slope Stability During Rainfall: A Case Study Using Small-Scale Physical Modeling

Gabriella Tuzzolo

Dr. Rafael Ribeiro Plácido

MSc. Rafael Hauckewitz Todaro

GCSP-IMT Research Scholarship


Evolutionary Design and Additive Manufacturing: Exploring the Interconnection between 3D Printing and Artificial Intelligence

Amanda Carolina Ambrizzi Ramin

Dr. Claudia Alquezar Facca

Dr. Agda Regina Carvalho

GCSP-IMT Research Scholarship


An Analysis of Promising Solutions for the Decarbonization of the Transport Sector in Conjunction with the Development of Ultra-High Pressure Ethanol Experimental Test Bench

Konrad Souza Friedrich

MSc. Rafael Hauckewitz Todaro

Dr. Rafael Ribeiro Plácido

GCSP-IMT Research Scholarship


Responsive Design Practices in Digital Environments: Integrating Visual and Voice Interfaces

Rafael Angel Bordenabe

Dr. Everaldo Pereira

Dr. Ana Paula Scabello Mello

GCSP-IMT Research Scholarship


Research and Extension: Promoting Educacional Workshops for High school Students

Isabella Augusta Rodrigues

Dr. Ana Paula Scabello Mello

Dr. José Carlos Carreira

GCSP-IMT Research Scholarship


Design, Art and Technology: Exploring the Identity of ABC Paulista, Integration of Urban Art and Biodesign in the Development of Packaging for Crafts and Local Products

Giovana de Andrade Pavanato

Dr. José Carlos Carreira

Dr. Everaldo Pereira

GCSP-IMT Research Scholarship


Development of Formulations Based on Vegetable Proteins and Polysaccharides for 3D Food Printing

Bruna Lotti Bertucci

Dr. Tatiana Guinoza Matuda Masaoka / Dr. Tatiana Beatris Tribess

MSc. Afonso Carlos Braga

GCSP-IMT Research Scholarship


Valorization of Cashew Nut Processing Byproducts: Developing Value-Added Products for Enhanced Industry Efficiency and Social Impact

Luis Otávio Borges Passanante

MSc. Afonso Carlos Braga

Dr. Tatiana Guinoza Matuda Masaoka / Dr. Tatiana Beatris Tribess

GCSP-IMT Research Scholarship


MauaSat Ground Station

Tiago Souza Armando de Barros

MSc. Fernando de Almeida Martins

Dr. Joseph Youssif Saab Júnior

GCSP-IMT Research Scholarship


Research and Study on Public Bathrooms

Tiago Perrella

Dr. José Carlos Carreira

